My E-portfolio

Third Task: A proposal how to spend 10.000€ for a school

Our school is an institution with about 1500 pupils and a teacher council of approximately 150. We already have two copy machines and some other equipment but are still capable of an improvement. With regard to the 10.000€ I have the following proposal. 
        First of all we need more possibilities to use media in the classrooms. If I am in a room on the ground floor, for example, I always have to go to the first floor with my students in order to use a projector or the CD – Player. To reduce the time we spend going to another room with the media I need or to get all the required media to the room I am teaching in, my suggestion is to equip more rooms with sufficient material. 
        In our school there are seven rooms that have so called media cabinets. They include a CD – Player, a laptop, a flat screen, a digital camera, a microphone, speakers and a projector. To build one of those you also need a cupboard if you do not already have one in the classroom. But if you have one it is quite easy to arrange all the media in it and quickly get started. One of these useful media cabinets costs around 1400€, so we can buy seven of those and still have 200€ left which can be used for follow up cost such as batteries for example.
    With this enhancement we do not only have more opportunities to teach but also save valuable time that we can use to describe our pupils the use of the (new) media, for example.

7 fully equipped media cabinets ~ 9800€
follow up costs ~ 200€
Total costs: ~ 10.000€

This is what a media cabinet includes.

Third Task: A proposal how to spend 50.000€ for a school

With the whole budget of 50.000€ our school can benefit from immensely. At this point our school is only equipped with two smart boards and it always takes up time to go the room. Furthermore, the room is often occupied as smart boards are great teaching tools and a lot of teachers use them in their lessons. A smart board is a great tool for schools with the capability of bringing your computer to the big screen and to life. In addition, teachers can use the advantage of saving the instructions or the gathered information to post the material later on for the students. This is very efficient for pupils who need repetition and those who missed the class can rework this at home if the material is for example online or on the school server.
        With about 5.000€ they are more pricey than just a normal computer but you can use them in a much wider range. They also last long and are flexible in adding other tools or software. So for example you can always download some more data or pictures you want to use.
        Our school needs 9 more smart boards in order to guarantee that each class can use it at least once a week. You can use them in nearly every subject and they can actually change the way of teaching effectively. There are several possibilities how to use the smart board  in English for example. You can save the work your students produced on the smart board during class. As this new medium is still something new the pupils attention is rousen; they are motivated to use it and try things out. And as all students have the included software on their computers they can  solve exercises there. Smart boards are useful for vocabulary task as every pupil can use the "drag and drop" method to drag the matching picture next to a (new) word. Another opportunity is to produce a text by putting words and punctuation marks into the right order. You always have the possibility to add or delete words and marks. The goal is to create a reasonable text and the result can even be printed out. As a visual support please have a look at the pictures below.
        For the rest of the available money we can get 20 USB Sticks with a certain software on it and it can be swapped with the pupils every now and then. This allows us a better mobility as the sticks can be taken home as well so the students are able to prepare homework, presentations and so on.
        In conclusion, I think it would be a great benefit for our school to get your approval for this proposal.

 9 smart boards with the cost of

~ 5.000€ each 

20 USB - Sticks plus software
~ 50€ each
Total costs: ~ 50.000€

As a visual support of how the english class can benefit from using smart boards please have a look at the pictures below.

This is how the screen can look for the "drag and drop" vocabulary exercise.
And this illustrates the "text-creating" task.

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